deKay's Lofi Gaming

Shadow of the Colossus (PS2)

Two more ColossususuueusuzezZ slaughtered today. First up was a flying one, which although ACE to actually kill, was a real pain to get on the back of. Not because he was hard though – just because he’s flying around a lake, and you have to swim to bits that you can stand on before you can attract his attention. Thing is, swimming is slooooooow, so the fight took ages (as I fell off a few times). Next up was a …

Shadow of the Colossus (PS2)

A good thing about this game is that it’s perfectly suited for short gaming sessions. I’ve killed four Colossi now, and none of them have taken very long (as can be seen by my 1h17m play time so far, and 15 minutes of that was trying to find Colossus number 4). Number 4 had me scratching my head for a while (long enough for Spooky Disembodied Voice to give me a useless clue), but then I realised he would try …

Shadow of the Colossus (PS2)

Amazingly, this arrived just a few days before I completed Ico, so I thought, while I’m waiting for Super Mario Galaxy to arrive, I’d give it a go. Also, I’m more likely to spot any subtle links between this and Ico if I play it now rather than in six years time… So far, I’ve watched the lengthy opening cinematic(s), and killed myself a couple of Colossi (which I’m not certain is the right word for multiple Colossuses but my …

Titan Souls (Web): COMPLETED!

Is this a first? As in, a web-based (well, Flash) game that I’ve completed? Sort of. I mean, I’ve completed Cookie Clicker and Clicking Bad, but they’re not really proper games (are they?). Does this count as a proper game? Yes. I think it does. OK then. Titan Souls is, it appears, a purposefully terribly-named 2D top-down mini version of Shadow of the Colossus. Only with just four Colossi. And your only weapon is a single arrow you have to …

2007: A Year in Gaming – Part 3

September The beginning of The Big Game Crunch of 2007.¬¨‚Ć Basically, every game in the world arrived in the post and I had to play them all. Most played in September (once RE4 was out of the way) was probably Super Paper Mario.¬¨‚Ć A fantastic game, by all accounts, and coupled with RE4, Mercury Meltdown Revolution and MySims proved that the Wii certainly was a fantastic console. Sonic the Hedgehog made himself known this month too, with Sonic 2 on …